Manufacturing environmentally friendly, efficient, dependable and durable electric forklifts
Our electric forklifts are a quiet, environmentally friendly means of handling a wide range of unit loads, including pallets, pallet boxes and stillages. We give you a comprehensive choice for any application. The smaller trucks, in particular, are designed primarily for use indoors. These electric lift trucks include the Cat® EP16-20(C)N2 range. It’s a perfect choice for any materials handling operation, from lifting goods in and out of racking to moving loads at ground level around a site. But our electric counterbalance trucks are durable too – and can be used outside as well as inside. Our high-capacity ranges, such as the Cat EP40-55(C)N(H), compete in the harsh world of IC engine forklifts.
This well-established electric forklift manufacturer brings you benefits such as:
- Advanced green AC power which gives greater performance
- Longer shift cycles to improve efficiency
- Simpler maintenance, meaning you can focus on what really matters
- Versatile configurations – giving our electric lift trucks easily programmable operating characteristics, so you can match machine performance with operator experience and load type
Our electric forklifts trucks are suitable for a wide range of purposes
For your warehouse applications, electric forklift trucks are ideal as they are both quick and easy to manoeuvre. This is especially true of our 3 wheel electric forklifts, like the EP14-20(C)N2T, which have very tight turning circles. With maximum lift heights of up to 7 metres, our electric forklifts are suitable for most standard wide aisle racking operations.
For production environments, electric forklifts are perfectly suited to bringing supplies or components to a production line. They’re also ideal for clearing away waste packaging or other production by-products. They can additionally be used to load or unload heavy goods vehicles. This may be either from the rear of the vehicle (via a raised loading dock) or from the side (from ground level).
For heavier loads and hostile environments, which would traditionally have required diesel forklifts, we have powerful, robust electric trucks. Our EP40-55(C)N(H) and EP60-120N(H) ranges can compete with IC engine forklifts on power and durability. At the same time, they offer many electric advantages – including higher efficiency, lower maintenance costs, zero emissions and a better experience for the driver.
What makes Cat Lift Trucks different to other electric forklift manufacturers?
Our electric forklifts are equipped to help you manage preventative and regular maintenance with minimum downtime. They offer high energy efficiency, on-the-go system monitoring, self-diagnostics and fault memory monitoring. In addition, on all models, a built-in service reminder can be programmed. This means maintenance can be scheduled at intervals to suit your shift patterns.
As with all Cat lift truck products, our electric lift trucks are built to last. Their toughness and operator comfort are combined with the most advanced technical features. These electric forklifts are a very adaptable, clean and powerful alternative to diesel lift trucks or LPG forklift trucks. You will find them suitable for many of your indoor and outdoor applications.
View our entire range of electric lift trucks below.