Apiladores de conductor sentado NSS16-20N(I)(S): diseño ergonómico para operaciones de apilamiento intensivo a alturas de hasta 7,0 metros, transporte interno a grandes distancias y turnos largos.

Los apiladores Cat® de conductor sentado son una buena alternativa para realizar operaciones de apilamiento, recogida y transporte de mercancías con más productividad y menos coste. Proporcionan altos niveles de confort y ergonomía para operarios que deben trabajar durante turnos largos e intensos, y cubrir grandes superficies. Su tamaño compacto, su maniobrabilidad y su gran capacidad de elevación permiten incrementar la densidad de almacenamiento, y sus altas prestaciones ayudan a aumentar productividad.

Por su gran versatilidad, estos apiladores pueden utilizarse como una alternativa más económica a las carretillas retráctiles en diferentes aplicaciones. En cuanto a capacidad de elevación, son equiparables a muchas carretillas retráctiles y pueden operar en espacios más reducidos.

También pueden utilizarse en sustitución de los apiladores de plataforma. Comparados con estos, son más rápidos, ocupan menos espacio y pueden elevar las cargas a alturas muy superiores. Además, no es preciso perder tiempo plegando y desplegando plataformas o barras laterales.

Este tipo de apilador eléctrico es capaz de trabajar en pasillos más estrechos y con estanterías más altas, lo que permite aprovechar mejor el almacén. También contribuye a aumentar el ritmo de trabajo. Protegido dentro de la robusta estructura de la máquina, el operario puede moverse con más rapidez y confianza por los pasillos. Las funciones de estabilización automática de este apilador Cat optimizan las velocidades para adaptarse a cada actividad y garantizar operaciones rápidas pero seguras.

Los usuarios disfrutarán las ventajas que ofrecen los sistemas avanzados de ayuda a la conducción, la hidráulica y la dirección, que suavizan y agilizan cada movimiento. A esto hay que añadir unos mandos que facilitan enormemente el manejo de los apiladores. Estos incluyen palancas hidráulicas táctiles, con reposabrazos y mini volante regulables. Ofrecen al conductor una posición totalmente relajada de brazos y hombros, y alivian las tensiones y esfuerzos de las tareas repetitivas en el manejo de mercancías.

Para minimizar el estrés, la fatiga y las lesiones causadas por esfuerzos repetidos, y optimizar el rendimiento del operario, se ha puesto especial énfasis en conseguir un diseño ergonómico. El conductor está cómodamente sentado en un habitáculo con niveles mínimos de ruido y vibraciones, y es posible añadir otras opciones para adaptar el equipo. Incluso existe la opción de regular eléctricamente la altura al suelo para ajustarla a la perfección. Se han hecho todos los esfuerzos posibles para conseguir la máxima productividad durante largos periodos de tiempo.

Al igual que los demás apiladores eléctricos Cat, los de conductor sentado están disponibles con una amplia oferta de baterías de iones de litio o de plomo-ácido. En entornos donde se precisan niveles óptimos de productividad, eficiencia y rentabilidad de manera constante, la tecnología de iones de litio ofrece muchas ventajas.

¿Le interesaría un apilador Cat de conductor sentado con horquillas telescópicas?

Nuestro apilador con horquillas telescópicas NSS12N2TF está especialmente diseñado para sistemas de apilado de doble profundidad, pero también puede utilizarse para muchos otros fines. Por ejemplo, pueden utilizarse para manipular cargas largas o acceder a las zonas de carga de camiones. Un apilador Cat versátil con horquillas telescópicas puede funcionar como carretilla retráctil, apilador con cuatro patas de apoyo, transpaleta y recogepedidos.

  • Robust construction and component sealing minimises damage and wear, even in demanding multi-shift operations.
  • Multifunctional display option with onboard diagnostics encourages correct use of truck and speeds up maintenance.
  • PIN code identification prevents unauthorised use, while choice of PRO, ECO and EASY modes matches truck performance to operator experience and application. (Only with multifunctional display option.)
  • Easy, fail-safe battery lock avoids delays and accidents at exchanges.
  • Fast maintenance access features, including a swing-out seat, combine with low servicing requirements and long service intervals to reduce downtime.
  • Availability of fully integrated Li-ion battery increases battery efficiency, runtime and lifespan, while minimising maintenance needs, for even lower total cost of operation (TCO).
  • Advanced motors, regenerative braking and efficient mast designs save on energy and hydraulic oil consumption.
  • High levels of component sharing maximise parts availability – and reduce downtime, stock and carbon costs – across the Cat stacker and power pallet ranges.

  • Broad range of models, variants and specialised options gives class-leading adaptability to different applications, for optimum productivity, ergonomics and safetyAdvanced AC motor and control technology enables fast, smooth and precise driving, lifting and lowering.
  • Integrated functionality saves time by allowing simultaneous control of drive speed, mast/fork movements and side stabiliser deployment.
  • Side stabilisers (optional) increase residual capacity for high lifting.
  • Progressive electric power steering automatically adjusts sensitivity according to speed, for high precision in tight manoeuvres and high stability when travelling fast and straight.
  • Automatic cornering control reduces maximum travel speed according to steering angle, to ensure quick but safe, stable and confident turns.
  • Creep speed feature increases load capacity for lifts above 1.7 m by automatically limiting travel to 5 km/h when forks reach that height.
  • Tapered forks and angled fork tips permit faster pallet entry with less risk of damage.
  • With Li-ion battery, performance is enhanced and fast opportunity charging is possible, via easily accessible connector, for continuous operation without battery changes.
  • With lead-acid battery, an optional plug on the machine housing allows quick and easy charging without disconnecting the battery.
  • Initial lift (I) models give additional ground clearance and may be used for double pallet handling – with one load on the support legs and one on the forks. (Models NSS16N2I and NSS16N2I.)
  • Wide straddle (S) models allow lowering of forks to the floor, between widely spaced support legs, for handling of closed-base pallets and other carriers without open fork spaces or pockets.
  • Wide straddle structure simplifies fitting and use of specialised attachments such as roll clamps, spikes and rotators, giving even greater application flexibility.
  • Wide straddle variant specifications include choice of standard (855 or 1055 mm) or customised straddle widths, and smaller or larger chassis/capacity, for optimum matching with applications.
  • Wide straddle legs have tandem wheels and a low-profile design, slightly angled downward toward their end point, for improved
  • drive-in and ground clearance and better performance on gradients.
  • Fork shape is tapered on the underside as well as pointed at the tip, to avoid sticking, for easier and faster pallet entry and exit even while turning at the same time. (On wide straddle models, fork tips are slightly pointed and tapered.)
  • Extensive mast choice includes duplex and triplex versions with a range of standard and custom lift heights, to match applications perfectly.
  • Powerful and quiet hydraulic motor is smoothly governed by stepless, speed-regulated lifting and lowering control, for quick but safe and accurate fork positioning and movement.
  • Level Assistance System (LAS) option: gives a highly intuitive way of stopping at, or bypassing, pre-set heights. (Not on 1.6 tonne wide straddle model.)
  • Laser fork positioning guide option aids accuracy in placing forks at correct level. (Not on wide straddle models.)
  • Weight and height indicators can be optionally included in the display. (Height indication not available on 1.6 tonne wide straddle model.)
  • 360-degree steering option allows truck to turn and move in opposite direction, without stopping, in one smooth manoeuvre – for substantial time gains, especially in complex layouts and highly repetitive handling cycles.

  • Enclosed operator position ensures all-round protection by heavy-duty chassis, integrated bumper, overhead guard pillars and roof.
  • Comfortable operator compartment minimises strain and tiredness with low step-in height, unobstructed floor, comfortable, adjustable suspension seat, minimal vibration and plenty of space for drivers of all sizes.
  • Electrically adjustable floor height option combines with adjustment of armrests and seat to give the perfect fit for each driver.
  • Adjustable mini steering wheel on floating armrest allows a relaxed operator posture, proven to reduce neck/back strain and risk of RSI, and quickly folds up for easy entry/exit.
  • Midi steering wheel option offers adjustable column length and angle, and folds up for easy entry/exit.
  • Height-adjustable armrest comfortably supports wrist while positioning hand ideally to operate fingertip hydraulic levers and other controls simultaneously.
  • Hand-operated direction switch option offers alternative to switching via pedal.
  • Clear all-round and fork-tip view is achieved through careful design of mast, fork carriage, overhead guard, pillars and chassis, and by low-reflection surfaces.
  • Extra overhead guard options include panoramic, transparent, polycarbonate roof for high upward visibility and additional protection from falling objects.
  • Effective mast and fork carriage damping ensures soft landings, smooth stage transitions and rattle-free travel – allowing comfortable load handling and driving with maximum performance throughout long shifts.
  • Low-noise specification includes quiet, temperature-controlled fans and speed-regulated lift pump motors, for a pleasant operator environment.
  • Working aids include large tool storage compartment on engine panel and accessible from outside truck – plus holders for smaller equipment, phone and drinks.
  • Intuitive multifunctional display option keeps drivers fully informed and is optimally positioned and angled for clear viewing.

NSS16N2 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSS16N2I 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSS20N2 2000 600 Eléctrico
NSS20N2I 2000 600 Eléctrico
NSS16N2S 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSS20N2S 2000 600 Eléctrico

EP40-55(C)N(H) charging connector

Li-ion batteries

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology is now available as an option in almost all Cat® electric counterbalance and warehouse truck ranges.

While lead-acid batteries remain a popular choice for our customers, and still have much to offer, they present various challenges which Li-ion can overcome.

Forklift battery charging

Lead-acid batteries

Whether lead-acid or Li-ion batteries are the better choice for your electric lift trucks depends on your application and priorities.

Lead-acid power is familiar, tried and trusted, and many workplaces are already equipped to use it.