Nuestras minipaletas eléctricas se utilizan en cualquier lugar para mover cargas

Combinando un tamaño pequeño con una potencia impresionante, estas pequeñas y manejables transpaletas mini eléctricas son grandes todoterreno. Son suficientemente resistentes para trabajos ligeros y medios, distancias cortas y medias y cargas de hasta 2,0 toneladas.

Pero son lo bastante compactas como para maniobrar fácilmente en pasillos estrechos, contenedores, vehículos de transporte de mercancías y edificios pequeños.

Les encontrará múltiples usos de carga, descarga y traslado.

Mini pero potentes transpaletas eléctricas NPP15-20QBL

  • High-quality, robust construction – including metal outer case for impact resistance – ensures reliable operation over a long lifetime, with minimal servicing and repair needs.
  • Integrated rocker arm reinforces the truck’s structural strength and stability.
  • Large-diameter plunger cylinder lowers the hydraulic pressure needed, leading to longer service life and lower risk of failure.
  • Lifting overload and maximum height cutouts protect hydraulic system, cylinder and electrical components.
  • Li-ion batteries give maximum lifespan, efficiency and runtime, with no need for water top-ups or other maintenance.
  • Plug-in diagnostics and troubleshooting require only a laptop, software and a cable – not an expensive hand- held device – to reduce downtime and maintain efficient performance.
  • PIN code access prevents unauthorised use. (Available on 2t model with BDI and hour meter).

  • Compact and stable design gives fast, safe performance with great manoeuvrability.
  • Side castor wheels further enhance stability.
  • Small turning radius allows efficient travel and load handling even in tight spaces such as narrow aisles and lorry trailers.
  • High-specification forks feature tapered tips, tandem polyurethane (PU) rollers and fork tip rollers, for smooth pallet entry and exit, quiet running, and additional grip.
  • 800 mm marking on forks helps in easy and steady crosswise handling of EU pallets.
  • Weighing scale and printer enable quick and simple measurement and recording of load weights.
  • Battery voltage and capacity choices allow matching to different application needs.
  • Li-ion technology makes continuous, powerful operation possible, without battery changes, using fast opportunity charging during short breaks.
  • External charger (supplied) enables full recharging of a spare battery in just 3 hours.
  • Sideways battery exchange requires no additional tools or devices and takes just 10 seconds.
  • Standard BDI (battery discharge indicator) and hour meter (optional on 2.0t model) support optimal timing of battery charging/changing.

  • Multifunctional tiller head conveniently houses controls for lifting and lowering, forward and backward travel, and emergency reverse, along with electric lock and information display.
  • Turtle/creep speed switch allows manoeuvring with tiller arm vertical, for safe movement through narrow spaces.
  • Low ground clearance (27 mm) reduces risk of trapping foot.
  • Electromagnetic brake system enhances braking performance.
  • Parking brake is automatically applied when the truck stops on gradients and ramps.
  • Li-ion battery chemistry means no risk of hazardous gas or acid leaks.

NPP15QBL 1500 600 Electric
NPP20QBL 2000 600 Electric

EP40-55(C)N(H) charging connector

Baterías de Litio

La tecnología de baterías de Litio (iones de litio) ya está disponible como opción en casi todas las gamas de carretillas de almacén y contrapesadas eléctricas Cat®.

Aunque las baterías de plomo-ácido siguen siendo una de las opciones predilectas de nuestros clientes, y todavía pueden aportar mucho, presentan algunos inconvenientes en comparación con las de Litio.