Apiladores con plataforma NSV12-16N3(I)(S)/NSF12-16N3(I)(R)(S)(S), ideales para aplicaciones multifunción de alta intensidad, como recogida de pedidos, transporte de cargas y apilado (a alturas de hasta 5,4 metros).

Estos versátiles apiladores con plataforma ofrecen un desempeño rápido, exacto y seguro, que ofrece al operador toda la confianza y tranquilidad que necesita. Su alta productividad se debe también a la combinación de dimensiones extraordinariamente compactas y estrechas, ligereza y control fácil y preciso. Al mismo tiempo, reducen el coste total de explotación gracias a su sólida construcción y a las mínimas necesidades de mantenimiento.

Las flotas de transpaletas apiladoras con plataforma Cat® cubren una amplia gama de aplicaciones en los ajetreados entornos de las fábricas y los almacenes. Además de apilar y recuperar cargas en áreas de almacenamiento de muelles altos, se pueden emplear para propósitos de suministro, alimentación y despacho de pedidos.

Se puede elegir entre modelos de apiladores con plataforma plegable (NSV), con barras protectoras laterales opcionales y con plataforma fija (NSF). Las barreras protectoras integrales en las transpaletas apiladoras de plataforma fija se pueden elegir con entrada lateral (S) o trasera (R). Las variantes con elevación inicial (I) ofrecen mayor distancia al suelo para trabajar en rampas empinadas y en muelles de carga. También permiten manipular dos palets para aumentar aún más el rendimiento. Los modelos de vía ancha (S) añaden versatilidad a las aplicaciones. Además, nuestra gama de apiladores con plataforma ofrece tres tipos distintos de dirección.

En el meollo del diseño de nuestros apiladores con plataforma centrado en el operador se encuentra un chasis sumamente estable y ágil. El elemento de unión entre el operador y el chasis es el ergonómico cabezal de timón emPower , número uno en su categoría. Desde el primer instante en que se utiliza, el apilador ofrece una percepción de estabilidad y confianza. Es una sensación de equilibrio, control y capacidad de reacción que se sigue consolidando turno tras turno.

El cabezal del timón es fácil de manejar y sus controles intuitivos ofrecen una maniobrabilidad veloz, precisa y segura. Los potentes motores con tecnología avanzada de control optimizan tanto la velocidad como la seguridad durante el desplazamiento y la manipulación de las cargas. La productividad aumenta a la vez que se reducen los riesgos de accidentes y los costes que estos suelen tener asociados.

Asimismo, se minimizan la fatiga, el esfuerzo y las bajas por enfermedad o lesión, gracias a una experiencia de uso tranquila y confortable. La eficaz amortiguación de la plataforma y del mástil de estos apiladores es fundamental para el confort del operador. En los modelos con plataforma fija, se puede incluso elegir la opción de amortiguación con ajuste eléctrico.

Además, la cantidad sin precedentes de componentes en común con la gama de apiladores y transpaletas Cat comporta ventajas adicionales. Las reparaciones se realizan con mayor rapidez y tiempos de parada mínimos. Se requiere menos inversión en existencias. Y, naturalmente, menos viajes por reparación y entrega de repuestos, lo que supone una reducción significativa de la huella de carbono. ¡Todos ganan!

Al igual que en nuestras demás gamas de apiladores, los apiladores con plataforma Cat pueden equiparse con baterías de iones de litio o de plomo-ácido. La tecnología de iones de litio presenta mayores ventajas en las operaciones de varios turnos, donde se requiere un trabajo sin interrupciones.

  • Fully weather-protected and impact-resistant tiller head is sealed to IP65 standard and reinforced for high durability.
  • Sealing of connectors, sensors and other key components combines with robust construction, shock and accident resilience, long service intervals and fast access features – including removable motor cover – to reduce maintenance needs and improve uptime.
  • Durable design features include heavy-duty chassis, large-diameter drive wheel, protected display location, inductive operator presence sensors, and more, for long life with minimal servicing.
  • Li-ion battery (if chosen) gives maximum lifespan, efficiency and runtime.
    (Both Li-ion and lead-acid versions are available.)
  • Advanced motors, regenerative braking and efficient mast designs save on energy (and hydraulic oil consumption).
  • Standard display includes BDI (battery discharge indicator) to help prevent damaging deep discharge and support optimal timing of battery changes.
  • Multifunctional display option offers clear information on truck and battery condition, faults and actions, and enables setting of operator IDs and PIN code access to avoid unauthorised truck use.
  • High levels of component sharing maximise parts availability – and reduce downtime, stock and carbon costs – across the Cat stacker and power pallet ranges.

  • Initial lift (I) models allow clearance under load (197 mm from floor to top of load legs; 200 mm to top of forks) for easier working on steep ramps and loading docks.
  • Double pallet handling capability halves the number of transport movements required. (Initial lift models.)
  • Pallet-stopping heel on load legs helps align loads for much easier, faster and safer double handling. (Initial lift models.)
  • Wide straddle (S) models allow lowering of forks to the floor, between widely spaced support legs, for handling of closed-base pallets and other carriers without open fork spaces or pockets.
  • Wide straddle structure simplifies fitting and use of specialised attachments such as roll clamps, spikes and rotators, giving even greater application flexibility.
  • Wide straddle variant specifications include choice of standard (855 or 1055 mm) or customised straddle widths, for optimum matching with applications.
  • Wide straddle legs have tandem wheels and a low-profile design, slightly angled downward toward their end point, for improved drive-in and ground clearance and better performance on gradients.
  • Fork shape is tapered on the underside as well as pointed at the tip, to avoid sticking, for easier and faster pallet entry and exit even while turning at the same time. (On wide straddle models, fork tips are slightly pointed and tapered.)
  • Extensive mast choice includes duplex and triplex versions with a range of standard and custom lift heights, to match applications perfectly. (Triplex not available on wide straddle models.)
  • Powerful and quiet hydraulic motor is smoothly governed by stepless, speed-regulated lifting and lowering control, for quick but safe and accurate fork positioning and movement.
  • Creep speed feature increases load capacity for lifts above 1.7 m by automatically limiting travel to 5 km/h when forks reach that height. (Speed-cut height varies in wide straddle models.)
  • Compact and lightweight chassis works with easy, accurate steering to allow rapid manoeuvring and tight turns in narrow aisles.
  • Fully integrated Li-ion technology makes continuous operation possible, without battery changes, using fast opportunity charging during short breaks. (Both Li-ion and lead-acid versions are available.)
  • Quick battery lock together with bearing-mounted steel roller option speeds up changes. (For lead-acid batteries.)
  • Exceptional levels of comfort, control, traction and stability keep operators alert, motivated and productive, however intense their workload.
  • Three performance modes are selectable to suit individual users and applications: Power for advanced operators and intensive operations; Eco to blend low energy consumption with high productivity; Easy for learners and for handling sensitive goods. (Available only with multifunctional display option.)
  • Latest AC drive motor technology combines high power with advanced electronic control, a large-diameter drive wheel and strong regenerative braking for a confident, fast, smooth and precisely controlled ride.

  • Operator-centric chassis design optimises traction according to load weight and maintains safe stability, while providing excellent manoeuvrability, for instant user confidence and continuous top-class performance in fast-paced, high-level stacking operations.
  • Active Spin Reduction (ASR) option aids traction on slippery surfaces.
  • Best-in-class emPower ergonomic tiller head gives easier access to controls with a unique patented design that achieves the optimum distance between hand and lift/lower buttons.
  • Ergonomically designed tiller head operating features include optimised handle shape and cross-section, large hand space, and enlarged horn and lift/lower buttons, as well as user-friendly speed and brake controls.
  • Butterfly-type, dual-direction speed and brake control design provides seven convenient finger positions for comfortable, low-effort, precise operation.
  • Dual controls allow easy reach with either hand and can be used accurately even when wearing gloves.
  • Tiller-type power steering via a short tiller arm features a hydraulic damper and works without physical connection to the drive wheel – avoiding transmission of bumps, twists and turns, while enabling comfortable, controlled, precise manoeuvring. (Available on folding platform and rearentry fixed platform models.)
  • Comfort Steering via a tiller head without an arm – as on an electric scooter – maximises power-steered control and precision, with the aid of a damper, while avoiding shock, vibration, strain and fatigue in the operator’s hands, wrists and arms. (Available on fixed platform models.)
  • Mechanical (non-powered) steering option uses a compact tiller arm to provide a simple, economical, durable, low-effort manoeuvring solution for less intense work environments. (Only available on folding platform models.)
  • Tiller up drive option allows manoeuvring with tiller arm vertical, to move through the tightest spaces. (Available on folding platform models with mechanical or power steering.)
  • Electronic steering technology automatically adjusts sensitivity according to steered angle and truck speed, and gives resistance and feedback, for controlled travel and full confidence. (On all power-steered trucks.)
  • Cornering control constantly monitors steering angle, travel rate and quickness of tiller head movement – automatically adjusting the turning speed to maintain safe motion. (On all power-steered trucks.)
  • Mast and fork carriage design and engineering advances improve forward and fork-tip views, while enhancing the user experience with smoother, quieter lifting and lowering.
  • Effective mast and fork carriage damping ensures soft landings, smooth stage transitions and rattle-free travel – allowing comfortable load handling and driving with maximum performance throughout long shifts.
  • High-comfort damping on both folding and fixed platforms minimises impacts on the knees, especially, and acts progressively with increasing operator weight, while ergonomic controls and steering further reduce effort and fatigue.
  • Unique electrically adjustable damping option on fixed platform models is optimised for each operator’s weight and preference at the touch of a button, providing a cost-effective increase in comfort.
  • Overhead guard protects operator from falling goods. (Standard on fixed platform models. Optional on folding platform models, but only with power steering.)
  • Optional protective side bars on folding platform models are deployed quickly and simply – with one hand – to help avoid falls and defend against impacts. (Top speed is increased when side bars are used.)
  • Fixed platform models give extra protection and comfort, with low step height – for easy entry/exit – and a choice of rear and side entry barrier designs.
  • Optional foot protection system automatically slows/stops the truck if foot is outside platform. (Rear entry fixed platform models.)
  • Rugged build includes compact but heavy-duty chassis, cast-iron platform and integrated low-profile bumper to resist deformation, protect the operator and reduce foot-trapping risk.

NSV12N3 1250 600 Eléctrico
NSV12N3I 1250 600 Eléctrico
NSV16N3 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSV16N3I 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSF12N3R 1250 600 Eléctrico
NSF12N3IR 1250 600 Eléctrico
NSF16N3R 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSF16N3IR 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSF12N3S 1250 600 Eléctrico
NSF12N3IS 1250 600 Eléctrico
NSF16N3S 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSF16N3IS 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSV16N3S 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSF16N3SR 1600 600 Eléctrico
NSF16N3SS 1600 600 Eléctrico

EP40-55(C)N(H) charging connector

Li-ion batteries

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology is now available as an option in almost all Cat® electric counterbalance and warehouse truck ranges.

While lead-acid batteries remain a popular choice for our customers, and still have much to offer, they present various challenges which Li-ion can overcome.

Forklift battery charging

Lead-acid batteries

Whether lead-acid or Li-ion batteries are the better choice for your electric lift trucks depends on your application and priorities.

Lead-acid power is familiar, tried and trusted, and many workplaces are already equipped to use it.