Transportez de lourdes charges à moindre coût avec notre transpalette électrique à conducteur accompagnant de 2,0 tonnes
Pour les tâches d’entrepôt légères et moyennes, notamment le transport de charges pouvant atteindre 2,0 tonnes, ce transpalette électrique à conducteur accompagnant est idéal. Sa qualité durable, sa maniabilité et sa haute résistance garantissent des performances fiables pour une excellente productivité.
Peu coûteux à l'achat et à exploiter, il vous offrira de nombreuses années de service.
Le transpalette électrique à conducteur accompagnant NPP20QL, un ami puissant pour la vie
- High-quality, robust construction ensures reliable operation over a long lifetime, with minimal servicing and repair needs.
- High-strength 6 mm manganese steel forks resist deformation.
- Fork wheel pivot points are enclosed and protected within the fork design to avoid wear when operating on ramps.
- Durable pull rod offers extra structural strength, with high resistance to bending and deforming, for reliable performance and long life.
- AC drive motor promises a long service life with low maintenance needs, thanks to elimination of brushes and commutators.
- Electromagnetic braking extends brake component life.
- Li-ion batteries give maximum lifespan, efficiency and runtime, with no need for water top-ups or other maintenance.
- Battery heating system optimises efficiency in cold environments, down to 1⁰C.
- Plug-in diagnostics and troubleshooting require only a laptop, software and a cable – not an expensive hand- held device – to reduce downtime and maintain efficient performance
- Compact and stable design enables fast, safe performance with great manoeuvrability.
- Side castor wheels further enhance stability.
- Forks with tapered tips and integral polyurethane wheels (tandem wheels available as option) enable smooth pallet entry and exit and quiet running.
- Guide markings on forks help in correct pallet loading.
- 24V/125Ah high-capacity Li-ion battery gives powerful performance and long runtime between charges.
- Optional higher capacity Li-ion battery (225Ah) further extends operating hours.
- Li-ion technology makes continuous operation possible, without battery changes, using fast opportunity charging during short breaks.
- Sideways battery exchange requires no additional tools or devices and takes just 10 seconds.
- BDI (battery discharge indicator) and hour meter support optimal timing of battery charging/changing.
- Ergonomic spring-loaded tiller arm provides a comfortable grip and low-effort operation for maximum control with minimal fatigue or strain.
- Multifunctional tiller head conveniently places controls within easy reach.
- Turtle/creep speed switch allows manoeuvring with tiller arm vertical, for safe movement through narrow spaces.
- Electromagnetic brake system enhances braking performance.
- Parking brake is automatically applied when the truck stops on gradients and ramps.
- Li-ion battery chemistry means no risk of hazardous gas or acid leaks
NPP20QL | 2000 | 600 | Electric |

Batteries Li-ion
La technologie de batterie Lithium-ion (Li-ion) est désormais disponible en option sur la plupart des gammes de chariots frontaux électriques et de magasinage Cat®.
Même si les batteries plomb-acide restent populaires auprès de nos clients – et ont toujours beaucoup à offrir –, elles doivent faire face à certains défis que les batteries Li-ion peuvent surmonter.