Date una spinta alla vostra attività, con un piccolo stoccatore condotto da terra

Con un montante duplex, questo stoccatore condotto da terra è in grado di gestire merci ad altezze fino a 3.3 metri. Progettato per compiti leggeri in magazzini, supermercati e aree di produzione, consente di risparmiare spazio, tempo e denaro. Si può portare anche su furgoni e ascensori.

Oltre allo stoccaggio e alle brevi corse in navetta, la sua versatilità si estende al commissionamento e al riempimento degli scaffali dei negozi.

Una soluzione ordinata e poco ingombrante, il nostro stoccatore condotto da terra con montante duplex compatto NSP12QLDI

  • High-quality, robust construction ensures reliable operation over a long lifetime, with minimal servicing and repair needs.
  • Fork wheel pivot points are enclosed and protected within the fork design to avoid wear when operating on ramps.
  • Durable pull rod offers extra structural strength, with high resistance to bending and deforming, for reliable performance and long life.
  • Adjustable balance wheel height extends lifespan of drive wheel.
  • AC drive motor promises a long service life with low maintenance needs, thanks to elimination of brushes and commutators.
  • Sealing of motors reduces risk of damage by dust and water.
  • Li-ion batteries give maximum lifespan, efficiency and runtime, with no need for water top-ups or other maintenance.
  • Battery heating system optimises efficiency in cold environments, down to 1⁰C.
  • Plug-in diagnostics and troubleshooting require only a laptop, software and a cable – not an expensive hand- held device – to reduce downtime and maintain efficient performance.

  • High-quality, robust construction ensures reliable operation over a long lifetime, with minimal servicing and repair needs.
  • Fork wheel pivot points are enclosed and protected within the fork design to avoid wear when operating on ramps.
  • Durable pull rod offers extra structural strength, with high resistance to bending and deforming, for reliable performance and long life.
  • Adjustable balance wheel height extends lifespan of drive wheel.
  • AC drive motor promises a long service life with low maintenance needs, thanks to elimination of brushes and commutators.
  • Sealing of motors reduces risk of damage by dust and water.
  • Li-ion batteries give maximum lifespan, efficiency and runtime, with no need for water top-ups or other maintenance.
  • Battery heating system optimises efficiency in cold environments, down to 1⁰C.
  • Plug-in diagnostics and troubleshooting require only a laptop, software and a cable – not an expensive hand- held device – to reduce downtime and maintain efficient performance.

  • High-quality, robust construction ensures reliable operation over a long lifetime, with minimal servicing and repair needs.
  • Fork wheel pivot points are enclosed and protected within the fork design to avoid wear when operating on ramps.
  • Durable pull rod offers extra structural strength, with high resistance to bending and deforming, for reliable performance and long life.
  • Adjustable balance wheel height extends lifespan of drive wheel.
  • AC drive motor promises a long service life with low maintenance needs, thanks to elimination of brushes and commutators.
  • Sealing of motors reduces risk of damage by dust and water.
  • Li-ion batteries give maximum lifespan, efficiency and runtime, with no need for water top-ups or other maintenance.
  • Battery heating system optimises efficiency in cold environments, down to 1⁰C.
  • Plug-in diagnostics and troubleshooting require only a laptop, software and a cable – not an expensive hand- held device – to reduce downtime and maintain efficient performance.

NSP12QLDI 1200 600 Electric

EP40-55(C)N(H) charging connector

Batterie ioni di litio

La tecnologia delle batterie ioni-litio (Li-ion) è ora disponibile come opzione in quasi tutte le gamme di carrelli elettrici controbilanciati e da magazzino Cat®.

Sebbene le batterie al piombo-acido rimangano una scelta popolare tra i nostri clienti e abbiano ancora molto da offrire, presentano varie sfide che la tecnologia ioni-litio può già superare.

Ulteriori informazioni