eureka magazine: Lifting the safety standard

3 April 2017

Muddy, rutted access routes, and tradesmen milling around, are just some of the challenges facing the forklift operator on a construction site. How does the health and safety professional reduce the risks and improve safety? Gay Sutton reports . The construction industry is one of the most hazardous...

eureka magazine: Agents of destruction

3 April 2017

By Mark Nicholson We all know that poor handling by a powerful forklift truck can destroy the value of an entire pallet load of goods. As Mark Nicholson warns in the following article, a single mouse dropping has the power to do the same thing. Whether it’s a dropping, a feather, a piece of nest...

eureka magazine: Technology - Automating the warehouse

20 September 2016

Warehouses see automated guided vehicle (AGV) population explosion Automation is becoming as familiar in the warehouse as it already is in manufacturing and processing. A growing part of materials handling is going beyond conveyor systems into the territory of automated vehicles. Ruari McCallion...

eureka magazine: Is your organisation safe?

20 September 2016

For the best advice on materials handling safety, ask a professional Are you putting your employees and your business in danger without even knowing it? To help in understanding the key processes a company should go through to make itself resilient and protect its staff, Mark Nicholson talks to an...

eureka magazine: Transport for life

20 September 2016

Materials handling and logistics companies support progress in the developing world Materials handling, logistics and transport have the power to make life better, but not all areas of the world benefit equally. Mark Nicholson finds out how Transaid is working to close the gap – and what eureka...